1. Why did you choose a level media?

.Last year one of my friends did media for gcse and would avidly describe how fun the coursework was, me myself being asked to take part in a piece of it aswell. This greatly contrubuted to my overall choice although what cemented media as an a level for me was the fact that even though its hard, the coursework would be a nice break from my other subjects plus i love watching people analyse shows and movies so i was sure this is something i would enjoy.

2. Did you take GCSE Media Studies?

.I did not 

3. N/A

4. What grade do you hope to achieve in A level Media?

.I believe that by the end of year 13 i have kept up with coursework and revision ensuring that a grade A-A* is achieved

5.What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A levels - university,apprenticeship,work?

.If money wasn't necessary for survival i would go to culinary school but if im being realistic i would say that after a levels, im planning on going to University to study Criminology/Law as that is the closest career that i feel i would enjoy learning about and then perhaps go on to become a barrister although i am unsure which one . If not then i would do a degree aprenticeship at a law firm.

6. What do you think is the biggest MEDIA story of 2024 has been and why?

.In my personal opinion i believe that the biggest media story of 2024 that has been released is Pixar's Inside out 2, this is because the sequel released 9 years after the origional inside out alowed the once then children to be able to progress to teenage and adulthood before the release of inside out 2 therefore creating a bigger impact in theatres as we are able to relate to what rieley is going through with most of us already past that stage in growing up. This is further argued by its popularity when first released becoming the biggest box office hit this summer, grossing about $650 million in cinemas and $1.6 billion worldwide which truly shows the impact this film had on our now more grown up generation.

7.What Media resources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?

.Embrarrasingly, in the past majority of news about current affairs has gotten to me through TikTok although within the recent months ive been using youtube to access more insite into the afairs.

8. What was the last film you watched?

.Last night i was in the process of doing my hair when i decided to finally watch the 2003 film Thirteen directed by Catherine Hardwicke which was a drama film centred around A thirteen-year-old's relatonship with her mother thts put to the test after she discovers drugs, sex and petty crime with her friend. The film was really good and captured the toxicity of the early 2000s beautifully.

9.What is your favorite ever Tv series?

.Bojack Horseman without a shadow of a doubt (i could rewatch that show forever and never get tired of it) a netflix origional based on an anthropmorphic horse that starred in a hit 1980s tv show that tackles childhood neglect,alchohalism,enabling,guilt,unstable coping mechanisms and hollywood scandals.  My favorte thing about the show is the accurate depiction of the human condition whilst also having its commedic elements mimicing that of a sitcom with darker themes spread out between the seasons.

10.How many hours average do you spend online in an average day? and why?

.10-15 hours a day which is REALLY BAD, this is most likely due to the fact that im on my phone foe everything from connecting with friends to completing homework assignments to watching documentries in bed to even listening to music in the shower.


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